How to take Wegovy

How to take Wegovy

Wegovy is used as an aid for weight management in conjunction with a reduced calorie-controlled diet and increased physical activity. It is licensed for use as a weight loss tool for those adults with an initial Body Mass Index (BMI) of

≥30kg/m2 (which is defined as obesity), or

≥ 27kg/m2 to <30kg/m2 (defined as being overweight) in the presence of at least one weight-related comorbidity such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or cardiovascular disease.

Wegovy dose escalation

When you start to take Wegovy, you gradually increase the dose to allow your body to become accustomed to it. There are several gastrointestinal side effects associated with Wegovy, and by slowly titrating the dose over several weeks, you mitigate these side effects.

The maintenance dose of Wegovy is 2.4mg once weekly, which is achieved by starting with a dose of 0.25mg and gradually increasing over 16 weeks. If the gastrointestinal symptoms are significant before you reach the maintenance dose, you should delay a dose escalation or even drop to a lower dose. Weekly doses greater than 2.4mg are not recommended.

Dose Escalation Weekly Dose
Week 1-4 0.25mg
Week 5-8 0.5mg
Week 9-12 1mg
Week 13-16 1.7mg
Maintenance dose 2.4mg

How to Administer Wegovy

Prepare for your injection.

  • You will the following supplies to administer your Wegovy injection: your Wegovy pen, one alcohol swab or soap and water, one gauze pad or cotton ball, and one sharps disposable container for used Wegovy pens- Do not throw your used pen in household rubbish
  • Wash your hands
  • Check your Wegovy pen

Do not use your Wegovy® pen if:

  • The pen appears to have been used or appears broken or damaged.
  • The Wegovy medicine is not clear and colourless through the pen window
  • The expiration date (EXP) has passed

Choose your injection site

APC Labs Wegovy injection sites

APC Labs Wegovy injection sites


Injection site

  • Your healthcare provider can help advise on an injection site suitable for you
  • You may inject into your upper legs (front of the thighs), lower stomach (keep 2 inches away from your belly button), or upper arm
  • Do not inject into an area where the skin is tender, bruised, red, or hard. Avoid injecting into areas with scars or stretch marks
  • You may inject in the same body area each week but make sure it is not in the same spot each time

Clean the injection site with an alcohol swab or soap and water. Do not touch the injection site after cleaning.


Remove pen cap

Pull the pen cap straight off your pen

Removing pen cap from Wegovy Pen

Removing pen cap from Wegovy Pen

Inject Wegovy®

Push the pen firmly against your skin and apply pressure until the yellow bar stops moving.

If the yellow bar does not start moving, apply greater pressure and press the pen more firmly against your skin.

Injecting Wegovy

Injecting Wegovy

During the injection you will hear two clicks

Click 1 indicates that the injection has started

Click 2 indicates that the injection is ongoing

The steps during injecting Wegovy

The steps during injecting Wegovy


  • If you have problems injecting, change to a firmer injection site, such as the upper leg or upper arm or consider standing up while injecting into the lower stomach
  • If medicine appears on the skin or squirts from the needle, ensure you keep applying pressure until the yellow bar has stopped moving the next time you inject. Then, you can lift the pen slowly from your skin

Throw away (dispose of) the pen.

  • Dispose of the used Wegovy pen safely after use.
  • Do not throw the pen away in your household rubbish.
  • Use a sharps disposal container, and when full, return to your local community pharmacy.
Dispose of used Wegovy pens in a sharps bin

Dispose of used Wegovy pens in a sharps bin

What if blood appears after injection?

Sometimes you may see some blood appear after injecting the Wegovy. If this occurs then press lightly with a gauze pad or cotton ball if blood appears at the injection site.




Written by Mr. Shazlee Ashan

BSc Pharmacy, MSc Endocrinology, PgDip Infectious Diseases, Ipresc