Complaints Procedure

At APC Labs, we prioritise customer satisfaction and service, valuing feedback from both patients and prescribers. We consistently strive to deliver exceptional service; however, we acknowledge that there may be instances where you feel our standards have not been met, prompting you to make a complaint.

We take complaints seriously and have established a procedure to address each one, ensuring steps are taken to prevent recurrence. Upon receipt, complaints will be acknowledged within two working days. Our objective is to provide a comprehensive response within ten working days, including a thorough investigation and resolution detailed in a formal letter. In some cases, further investigation may extend this timeline, but we commit to keeping you informed regarding any delays and providing an estimated resolution timeframe.

To lodge a complaint, you can contact us via email at or by writing to us at the following address:

APC Labs,
Unit 2 Hamble Court Business Park,
Hamble Lane,
SO31 4QL

To expedite the resolution process, kindly include the following information:

  • Full name and date of birth
  • Telephone number (for potential clarification or additional information)
  • Detailed description of the complaint and reasons for dissatisfaction
  • Actions already taken to address the issue
  • Preferred resolution method and timeline

Your feedback is crucial to our continuous improvement, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us address your concerns effectively.